When I had read through Modrows article, it struck me that it says nothing very original, which, given his own failure at the time to vocally warn the population of the danger that they faced from western takeover, was not totally surprising. His ideas on socialist economy are notably vague, whilst his ideas on democracy are little more than traditional liberalism.
What seemed to me a key issue, the disarming of the factory militias, is never mentioned.
Who, though gave the order for the disarming of the factory militias, was it him or Krenz. Once the working class was disarmed there was no hope of defending workers property in the means of production.
Modrow talks about a decision not to fire on demonstrators fair enough, but does not mention a decision to actually disarm the factory militias. Both
In 1945 in
Who ordered the militias in
Modrow's idea of reform is entirely liberal – free contest of political parties for elected offices.
This however is nothing more than the typical form of a bourgeois republic. It is the ideal form of state for the upper classes to gain power and establish a ‘civil’ or bourgeois society.
Some of us in
The only stable forms of socialist state are either peoples direct democracy or communist party dictatorship. In between is the abyss.
Modrow and the like need to go back and read their Aristotle to understand their Marx, not only Aristotles critique of Chrematistic but also his explanation of the nature of democracy. ( The Athenian Constitution and The Politics)